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New Book Release | Power of Choice by John Abdub Wako

Life is about the choices you, or you don’t, make. Our newest writer, John Abdub Wako, asserts this in his book, Power of Choice. The book was released on 31 July, 2020, and launched online on Facebook Live due to the Covid-19 situation (watch the launch video Here).

Choose Now …

In The Power of Choice, author John Abdub Wako presents a ten-point holistic, principle-centered approach for individual success. He points out that we make the CHOICE to succeed or fail, and this he reveals through insights drawn from his experiences and pointed anecdotes.

The Power

John states that the power of positive thinking, determination, and desire, combined with the power of NOW, when focused well, enhances confidence in what we are doing and aiming to achieve. However, we need to have patience and consistency in networking with other people who play a key role in our journey to success, but we should have the courage to say no to what won’t contribute to our success and be steadfast in the YES of what we undertake.

To Success!

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