Equity Bank Kenya motto is: Your Listening, Caring Patner. One man can attest to this—the Kenya Publishers Association Chairman, Lawrence Njagi.
Novelists claim that an average person dreams of writing a novel. However true this is, I don’t know, but sounds like they were off the curve some.
Well, penning a bestseller may be any Tom, Dick, and Harry’s (or Mary, Jane, and Penny’s) wildest wet dream, soon forgotten once they wake the hell up…
It’s summer in the Northern Hemisphere and winter in the Southern Hemisphere. That means it’s time for Smashwords biggest ebook sale of the year!
The 11th annual Smashwords Summer/Winter Sale kicks off July 1 and runs through July 31.
To support the rapidly growing African publishing industry, the International Publishers Association (IPA) and the Kenya Publishers Association (KPA) have partnered to host a continent-wide platform for sectoral innovation. This year’s seminar, themed Africa Rising: Realising Africa’s Potential as a Global Publishing Leader in the 21st Century, builds on discussions from the ground-breaking event held in Lagos,…
Online publishing is the way to go these days: unless one is a prophet of doom and sees an Internet Armageddon where the entire World Wide Web will be totally wiped out.
DRM is Digital Rights Management – schemes in which a digital book is copy-protected, or limited to reading on only certain devices.
Manuscript length depends on word count. Most genres have expected word lengths, which have been driven by audiences—in terms of their own expectations of the genre, as well as professional expectation.
Gorgeous in form, humorously narrated. The Boy with Shoes recounts the author’s very adventurous upbringing, rich life anecdotes that will tickle the fancy of any individual who grew up on the African continent.
The African Writers Conference is an event conceptualized by the African Writers Development Trust aimed at bringing together writers of African descent to a common platform, building bridges for networking, providing opportunities for writers to promote themselves and their work, and sustaining conversations on the advancement of the collective interests of African writers.
This is the list of Mystery books that topped Mystery Books Best Seller list in 2018,Combined Print & E-Book editions.
In Breaking the Glass Ceiling, Kerich Jonah gives invaluable tips to students and anyone who is a student of life tips on how to succeed.
Are you on a spiritual journey to heaven? Are you battling love for money, self-centredness, unfaithfulness, idolatry and increased appetite for worldly pleasures? Worry no more. Pastor Kigundu Ndwiga, PhD, is offering a 44-day spiritual guide to enable you conquer the challenges.