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2020 Mystery Books Bestsellers


The year 2020 may have been the worst of the 21st Century so far, what with the government travel and public socialising restrictions, but we found ways to cope – books. Reading and writing became a coping mechanism as people all over the world stayed at home to curb the spread of the Corona Virus of 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic that ravaged the world. At Mystery Publishers, we published the highest number of books in our four years in operation, and our books sold more than the previous year.

Mystery Books bestsellers are selected from paid eBook and paperback sales across all stores Mystery Publishers distributes to.

Writer and novelist, Vincent de Paul, for the second year in a row, has dominated the list, with new writers making it to the top ten list.

Twisted Times: Son of Man by Vincent de Paul, which had maintained number one for the three years, was pushed from position one by Vincent de Paul new novel, Inevitable Desires: First Love (The novel had debuted at position six on publication in 2019.)


Inevitable Desires: First Love by Vincent De Paul

It is a story of love with a twist: a mystery murder shatters Hedwig Sanzi Joe when skeletons crawl out of her boyfriend’s closet. Hurt, betrayed, and angry, she realises that the arms of the man she runs to are that of a deadly with connections running deep into the underworld. It is a thriller/mystery with electric romance to boost.


Bachelorette Diaries by Elove Poetry

Shiri Golan is smart, intelligent, and successful—top media girl, and owner of Golan Technologies that’s hired to develop stealth software for the Kenya Defence Forces fighter jets—but she isn’t as smart when she falls in love with a Catholic priest and skeletons crawl out of her perfect man’s closet hauling with them betrayal, a dark past, and deadly secrets …


Twisted Times: Son of Man by Vincent De Paul

When Kennedy Paul Maina runs away from home, robbing the dead and crime becomes his life at the university where to survive he has to do what he must … and façade is a beautiful thing.

He runs from the police as a criminal, runs from assassins, and ultimately runs from himself. Worse, the vengeance-ridden leader of the criminal gang he left is after him—he wants to make Ken’s life a living hell.


Ministry of Misdemeanour by Hillary Lisimba Ambani

Life in high school—raging hormones, peer pressure, rebellion, and self-discovery. A paragon of adolescence, it embodies the prime at which young girls are at risk of unwanted pregnancies and boys becoming teenage fathers, all in the name of exploring. Relationships are formed, rules broken, and, sometimes, lifelong mistakes made.

Sequel to The Boy with ShoesMinistry of Misdemeanour exemplifies the height of tempting fate.


Flashes of Vice: Vol I by Vincent De Paul

Flashes of Vice: Vol I is a collection of flash fiction stories, the first in a series of flash stories first published on Flashes of Vice, the author’s blog, published within a duration of one year.

The book touches on the vices affecting the society today: immorality, crime (kidnapping), payment of ransom, careless sexual relationships, murder, assassination, terrorism, etc.


Flights of Poetic Fancy by Vincent De Paul

Flights of Poetic Fancy is a collection of whims, whimsical enchantments and impulsive imaginations that attack the mind beguiled into visions and fantasies. It is an aggregation of quarrels, musings, battles (rather not) fought, wounds and wooings, loves and agonies and all sorts possible nonsense and forgetfulness—anything and everything ghastly grim of the wandering mind—that possesses the mind and convinces it that no maxim and order has more sense than its thinking.


Echoes of Military Souls by Jerusha Kananu Marete

Echoes of Military Souls is a power-packed package of art that promises to keep you on the edge of your seat. It is a roller coaster stream of emotion. The poems forcefully remind us that soldiers lay down their lives for fellow humans. But do we really value this singular sacrifice? The theatrical ambiance of the poems imprint indelible vistas of hope for the indefatigable.


Flashes of Vice: Vol II by Vincent De Paul

Life on the fast lane; sex, money and crime – the holy trinity of life. Terrorists and their virgins; love, romance and marriage chastised.

Flashes of Vice tells life as it is in short, punchy, thrilling stories. The switch is flipped on and off before you know what is happening, leave you wanting more and more – something you will never get.


City of Cannibals by Dancan Ouma Obuya

A city falling into despondency … CANNIBAL; ravaged by bacteria that’s growing in its once cleanest river, life has become walking a tight rope: POLLUTION, DISEASES, and the hazards those living in the city’s shanty areas face … the rich are the cannibals devouring a city that held so much hope with CORRUPTION.


Flashes of Vice: Vol III by Vincent De Paul

Flashes of Vice: Vol III is a collection of flash fiction stories on terrorism, the distant near future, conspiracies, why aliens have beef with humans, and the scars of war or take you into the future, a flash of alien invasion into the world, and the all-time-juicy conspiracies to make the world a better place.

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