These are the nineties , troubled times. Africa has reached puberty, and is starting to shave off the colonial residue. For a boy growing up around this time, every feeling, experience, breaking and falling is heightened to the nth level. A time which a boy sees his mother’s reprimands as a gross violation against a child’s rights. A time when a pair of black school shoes will cost you your humanity.
Gorgeous in form, humorously narrated. The Boy with Shoes recounts the author’s very adventurous upbringing, rich life anecdotes that will tickle the fancy of any individual who grew up on the African continent. The Boy with Shoes has got a little something for everyone.
The new book from Mystery Publishers offers front seat experience on what is it like growing under the African heat from a small, unknown village in Western Kenya.
The book is available on Amazon, Kindle, Mystery eBook Store, and other online bookstores and retailers.