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Final List for the Mystery Publishers’ 5th Anniversary ‘Our Stories Redefined’ Poetry Anthology

We are delighted to announce the finalists for the Mystery Publishers’ 5th Anniversary ‘Our Stories Redefined’ poetry edition, 2021.

Anthony Ogbonnaya Chukwu‘The Teacher Came Forward With a Braincase’
‘Bones and Stones’
Davis Mein‘An Elegy on Education’
‘Power and Justice’
Emmeline Bisiikwa‘Chains of Tradition’Uganda
Gideon Mutai‘Occult Explosion’
‘Vision 2070’
Jerusha Kananu Marete‘Tell Me Child’Kenya
Jackson O. OdundoTwo poems (untitled)Kenya
Vincent de Paul‘I Go Home’
‘To My Daughter’

The next step is editing; the anthology will be published on 31 October 2021.

The Mystery Publishers annual ‘Our Stories Redefined’ anthology does not only provide an opportunity for new authors to be published, but it also celebrates new African writing.

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