Speculative fiction is a genre that explores settings other than those that exist in the real world. The genre can encompass supernatural or futuristic works. Africanfuturism is a subgenre of speculative fiction centred on the African people, their culture, history, and technology.
In the Strategic Writing Fundamentals, you get your formal writing right, regardless of your professional background or specialty. The book gives you enduring fundamentals to help you produce accurate, concise, and clear information for the reader.
Novelists claim that an average person dreams of writing a novel. However true this is, I don’t know, but sounds like they were off the curve some.
Well, penning a bestseller may be any Tom, Dick, and Harry’s (or Mary, Jane, and Penny’s) wildest wet dream, soon forgotten once they wake the hell up…
Online publishing is the way to go these days: unless one is a prophet of doom and sees an Internet Armageddon where the entire World Wide Web will be totally wiped out.
DRM is Digital Rights Management – schemes in which a digital book is copy-protected, or limited to reading on only certain devices.
Manuscript length depends on word count. Most genres have expected word lengths, which have been driven by audiences—in terms of their own expectations of the genre, as well as professional expectation.