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2018 Top 10 Mystery Books Bestsellers in 2018

This is the list of Mystery books that topped Mystery Books Best Seller list in 2018,Combined Print & E-Book editions.

Twisted Times: Son of Man by Vincent de Paul
Twisted Times: Son of ManThe dead can’t rest in peace. The living are in danger. And one man’s run has begun.*When Kennedy Paul Maina runs away from home, robbing the dead and crime becomes his life at the university where to survive he has to do what he must … and façade is a beautiful thing.
Flashes of Vice: Vol 1 by Vincent de Paul

Flashes of Vice: Vol I is a collection of flash fiction stories, the first in a series of flash stories first published on Flashes of Vice, the author’s blog, published within a duration of one year. The book touches on the vices affecting the society today: immorality, crime (kidnapping), payment of ransom, careless sexual relationships, murder, assassination, terrorism, etc.

Flashes of Vice: Vol III by Vincent de Paul

Flashes of Vice: Vol III is a collection of flash fiction stories on terrorism, the distant near future, conspiracies, why aliens have beef with humans, and the scars of war.

The stories begin and end without warning: like ‘Allah’s Open Letter to Terrorists’, or the story of the virgin girl who vowed never ever to have sex with terrorists in heaven. Or the serial killer military widow who kills her dead husband’s friends for revenge. Or the untold story of Jesus’s resurrection in ‘How Did the Dead Escape?’

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