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Upcoming Book Release | Strategic Writing Fundamentals by Vincent de Paul


by Vincent de Paul
Publication Date: 30 November 2021
ISBN: 978-9966-955-19-7

Have you ever been tasked to write something and you found yourself wondering how to go about it? Or you quipped (silently) that you are not a writer? Do you find writing – whether a correspondence letter in your office, a memo, formal email, a report, etc. – a challenge? Do you find yourself wondering what to, or not to, write in a formal document? Or do you find yourself not communicating as effectively formally?

Well, writing may sound difficult for you, but it shouldn’t, especially focused, objective, and visible high quality writing. That’s what this book is all about – honing your strategic writing skills. Whoever you are writing for, should get want you want to communicate right from the onset, from the first paragraph, even first sentence. In a world where everyone is busy, you don’t want your reader to ignore your text because you did not communicate what you wanted well. And they shouldn’t read through tones of text to get your message.

In the Strategic Writing Fundamentals, you get your formal writing right, regardless of your professional background or specialty. The book gives you enduring fundamentals to help you produce accurate, concise, and clear information for the reader.

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