We offer personalised, expert writing coaching to help you unlock your full potential, whether you’re a beginner or a professional and want to hone your writing skills.
Do you want to tell your story but do not have the time or do not know how to go about it? We will help you!
In manuscript evaluation, an editor/manuscript evaluator reads your manuscript and prepares a broad, comprehensive assessment report. You receive specific advice on how to develop a stronger narrative, better pacing, and more engaging characters.
Have you published your book and you want to put it on Amazon but you don’t know how to? Or you don’t have the time? We will do it for you.
After you have self-published your book, you may want to print your book. Nothing feels better than the feel of paper between your fingers as you peruse through your book and the smell of wood as you read.
With our self-publishing services, we help you publish a professional, high quality book; our editors dedicate their time to your book and work with you all the way.
Our editors offer great value book editing, proofreading, and manuscript assessment services for authors.