With our self-publishing services, we help you publish a professional, high-quality book; our editors dedicate their time to your book and work with you.
Choose the package that suits your book: The prices are based on the minimum number of words 20,000 (for fiction and non-fiction manuscripts) and 10,000 words for poetry; if your manuscript is less than the minimum words, the quote will be as indicated. Manuscripts above the minimum number of words will be evaluated first based on the number of words.
Mystery Lite
Digital-only Publishing (fiction & non-fiction)
- Non-Exclusive Contract
- Developmental Editing/Manuscript Evaluation - Ksh.11,600
- Structural/Line Editing - Ksh.25,000
- Proofreading - Ksh.14,200
- Custom Cover Design - Ksh.7,850
- eBook Formatting, Publishing on Amazon Kindle, Smashwords, D2D, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, etc. - Ksh.26,785
- Up to 10 image insertions; additional images are charged Ksh.500 per image.
- FREE online ISBN/ASIN Assignment
- Worldwide Online Distribution
Print-on-Demand Publishing (fiction & non-fiction)
- Non-Exclusive Contract
- Developmental Editing/Manuscript Evaluation - Ksh.11,600
- Structural/Line Editing - 25,000
- Proofreading - Ksh.14,200
- Custom Cover Design - Ksh.14,285
- eBook Formatting, Publishing on Amazon Kindle, Smashwords, D2D, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, etc. - Ksh.26,785
- Print Book Layout and Design, Publishing on Amazon - Ksh.26,785
- Up to 10 image insertions; additional images are charged Ksh.500 per image.
- ISBN/ASIN Assignment, Copyright Registration, Print Samples & Proofing - Ksh. 29,014
- Distribution to bookstores in Kenya
- Worldwide Online Distribution
Mystery Elite
Poetry POD Publishing
- Non-Exclusive Contract
- Developmental Editing/Manuscript Evaluation - Ksh.11,600
- Structural/Line Editing - Ksh.17,900
- Proofreading - Ksh.10,700
- Custom Cover Design - Ksh.14,285
- 10 x Poem illustrations (interior) - 35,710
- eBook Formatting, Publishing on Amazon Kindle, Smashwords, D2D, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, etc. - Ksh.26,785
- Print Book Layout and Design, Publishing on Amazon - Ksh.26,785
- Up to 10 image insertions; additional images are charged Ksh.500 per image.
- ISBN/ASIN Assignment, Copyright Registration, Print Samples & Proofing - Ksh. 29,014
- Distribution to bookstores in Kenya
- Worldwide Online Distribution
Children's Books Publishing
- Non-Exclusive Contract
- Developmental Editing/Manuscript Evaluation - Ksh.6,960
- Structural/Line Editing - Ksh.10,000
- Proofreading - Ksh.6,000
- Custom Cover Design - Ksh.14,285
- 10 x illustrations (interior and cover) - Ksh.35,710
- eBook Formatting, Publishing on Amazon Kindle, Smashwords, D2D, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, etc. - Ksh.26,785
- Print Book Layout and Design, Publishing on Amazon - Ksh.26,785
- Up to 10 image insertions; additional images are charged Ksh.500 per image.
- ISBN/ASIN Assignment, Copyright Registration, Print Samples & Proofing - Ksh. 29,104
- Distribution to bookstores in Kenya
- Worldwide Online Distribution
For Manuscripts Above 20,000 words ...
Mystery Lite
- Manuscript Evaluation:
- 20,001 to 50,000 words – Ksh. 14,000
- 50,001 to 100,000 words – Ksh. 16,500
- 100,001 to 200,000 words – 19,800
- Over 200,000 – will be evaluated first
- Editing:
- Structural/Line Editing – Ksh.1.25 per Word
- Proofreading – Ksh.0.71 per word
- Custom cover design – Ksh. 7,850
- eBook Formatting, Publishing on Amazon Kindle:
- 20,001 to 50,000 words – KSh. 35,714
- 50,001 to 100,000 words – KSh. 44,643
Mystery Standard
- Developmental Editing/Manuscript Evaluation:
- 20,001 to 50,000 words – Ksh. 14,000
- 50,001 to 100,000 words – Ksh. 16,500
- 100,001 to 200,000 words – 19,800
- Over 200,000 – will be evaluated first
- Editing:
- Comprehensive Editing – Ksh. 1.25 per word
- Proofreading – Ksh. 0.71 per word
- Custom Cover Design:
- 20,001 to 100,000 words- Ksh. 14,285
- Over 100,000 words – Ksh. 18,000
- Print Book Layout and Design, Publishing on Amazon, Publishing on Amazon:
- 20,001 to 50,000 words- Ksh. 35,714
- 50,001 to 100,000 words- Ksh. 44,643
- 100,001 to 200,000 words – Ksh.52,200
- eBook Formatting, Publishing on Amazon Kindle, Smashwords, D2D, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, etc:
- 20,001 to 50,000 words- Ksh. 35,714
- 50,001 to 100,000 words- Ksh. 44,643
- 100,001 to 200,000 words – Ksh.52,200
- ISBN Assignment, Copyright Registration, Print Samples & Proofing:
- 20,001 to 50,000 words- Ksh. 29,014
- 50,001 to 100,000 words- Ksh. 37,500
Mystery Elite
- Developmental Editing/Manuscript Evaluation:
- 10,001 to 20,000 words – Ksh. 11,600
- 20,001 to 50,000 words – Ksh. 14,000
- 50,001 to 100,000 words – Ksh. 16,500
- Editing:
- Comprehensive Editing – Ksh. 1.61 per Word
- Proofreading – Ksh. 1.50 per Word
- Custom Cover Design – Ksh. 14,285
- Print Book Layout and Design, Publishing on Amazon:
- 10,001 to 20,000 words- Ksh. 26,785
- 20,001 to 50,000 words- Ksh. 35,714
- eBook Formatting, Publishing on Amazon Kindle, Smashwords, D2D, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, etc:
- 10,001 to 20,000 words- Ksh. 26,785
- 20,001 to 50,000 words- Ksh. 35,714
- ISBN/ASIN Assignment, Copyright Registration, Print Samples & Proofing – Ksh. 29,014
Check out more services
We have got you covered - design (cover, book layout, etc), Amazon Services, printing, book sales, and much more.