We offer interior book design services for fiction manuscripts (novels, short stories, anthologies, flash fiction, etc). We will give advice on font type, style, and typography.
After you have self-published your book, you may want to print your book. Nothing feels better than the feel of paper between your fingers as you peruse through your book and the smell of wood as you read.
Our cover designer visualizes your story and summarizes it into a single design which will attract readers and make them buy your book. Our cover design services customize the design for your genres that you will be proud of.
With our self-publishing services, we help you publish a professional, high quality book; our editors dedicate their time to your book and work with you all the way.
Our editors offer great value book editing, proofreading, and manuscript assessment services for authors.
We offer the best graphic design services for all your needs: book covers, magazine design and layout, book design and layout, catalogues, brochures, company profiles, etc.