Without Graphics | With Graphics (up to 10) | With Graphics (11 to 30) |
Ksh.179 (US $1.79) per page | Ksh.232 (US $2.32) per page | Ksh.268 (US $2.68) per page |
With the availability of e-reading devices, an author needs to have their book available on all devices, and in all formats. Our eBook formatting and design services make eBooks easy to use and available in different formats. Minimum number of pages is 50; manuscripts less than 50 pages will be charged based on the minimum number of pages.
This price is for individuals, corporate entities and businesses shall be given a different quote.
PLEASE: Submit your manuscript fully edited, we allow only one revision; additional edits are charged.
- Files: Submit your text via email in editable format (MS Word—.doc, .docx, .rtf) and any other material like charts, tables or photos in JPEG or PNG.
- Manuscript: Should be fully prepared, with all the required frontmatter and backmatter.
- Copyright Information: Provide your manuscript with all required information like ISBN, publisher information, print book details, etc. so we add it to your copyright page during the design process.
- Frontmatter and backmatter;
- Layout: Design to the publishing requirements of the online publishing platform;
- Structure: Design a scheme for front matter, sections, chapters, and heading levels;
- Image insertion: Image insertion up to 10 images, more 10 images it’s Ksh.200/$2.00 USD per image; and
- Table of Contents: Include fully dynamic list of contents, figures, and tables to make locating material as easy as possible for your reader.