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Published | Our Stories Redefined (2021) Edition by Mystery Publishers

We are pleased to announce the publication of ‘Our Stories Redefined’ 2021 (Poetry) Anthology. The anthology celebrates new age African writing; a vehicle for new-age African writers to tell their stories to a generation that understands them.

In the 2021 (poetry) edition, the poems cut across the generations. They paint a picture of a new generation not grappling with Afro-modernity but embracing Afro-currency with a hope for a better future for Africa.

The anthology drew participants from four (4) African countries, viz. Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda, and Zimbabwe. We appreciate and thank all the participants who contributed to our 2021 edition.

The anthology is available in Kindle, PDF (from Mystery Bookstore), and Paperback (from Nuria Bookstore and Kenyatta University Bookshop in Nairobi). It will be available from other bookstores in Kenya by the end of the year 2021.


  1. Emmeline Bisiikwa – Uganda
  2. Jepkosgei Marion – Kenya
  3. Patricia Mataga – Kenya
  4. Makena Kirima – Kenya
  5. Vincent de Paul – Kenya
  6. Beatrice Mwendwa – Kenya
  7. Caro Baaro – Kenya
  8. Gideon Mutai – Kenya
  9. Jerusha Kananu Marete – Kenya
  10. Anthony Ogbonnaya Chukwu – Nigeria
  11. Moira Marangwanda-Chipanda – Zimbabwe

Editor’s Note

To celebrate the milestones of redefining African stories, Mystery Publishers launched the annual ‘Our Stories Redefined’ anthology. Every year, Mystery Publishers will publish an anthology of either poetry or flash fiction. Participants shall submit original works, unpublished, and if their submissions are published, they shall not be published anywhere else for six months. The author retains, all time, the copyright to their works; Mystery Publishers the anthology copyright.

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