Twelve is an iconic number. It bears astronomical significance throughout history and these cut across fields of religion, time, and measurement among others: 12 disciples, 12 months, 12 hours of light, 12 of night … Yet, in this entrancing debut book, Echoes of Military Souls, Jerusha Kananu presents us with eleven poems that change this rhythm.
In gripping pieces of 11 works of art, she examined the psychology of war and its discontents with such lyrical lucidity that the 12th missing poem comes to life as the unspeakable often wrought by warfare. Wars are not art yet they mother art. Wars are not art yet they father art. This is a book illuminating this paradox of life as it offers to all and sundry a litany of fine insights like fingers of a youth tracing indelible truths on the sands of time. It is a reading I prescribe to the public without reservations.
Echoes of Military Souls is a power-packed package of art that promises to keep you on the edge of your seat. It is a roller coaster stream of emotion.The poems forcefully remind us that soldiers lay down their lives for fellow humans. But do we really value this singular sacrifice?The theatrical ambiance of the poems imprint indelible vistas of hope for the indefatigable human spirit!
The book is available on Amazon (Kindle and Paperback) and in Kenya from our bookstore.
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